Windowmanager partial focus
Windowmanager partial focus

windowmanager partial focus

In the example shown below, I also have a base window class that inherits/implements INotifyPropert圜hanged ( NotifiableWindow), so I inherit from that window class, and the IModelessWindow interface. In my case, I have a WpfCommon assembly where all of my general WPF stuff lives.ġ) When you create a window that is intended to be put in the window manager, you must inherit and implement the IModelessWindow interface. There is no XAML involved in the actual implementation, other than when you create your modeless windows, but even they don't use any if the window manager features.Ġ) Add the ModelessWindowMgr file to your project in any way that suits your project. Sample code provided below is only here to illustrate what needs to be done, and is an abbreviated version of what is in the sample code. Here are the steps to minimally implement the ModelessWindowMgr. You can prevent a given modeless window from being used as a modal form.

windowmanager partial focus

  • You can use either the provided id properties in the IModelessWindow interface, or one of the many Window properties that might provide a method for uniquely identifying a given window (Title, Name, Tag, etc).
  • The window manager can be configured to allow duplicate instances of windows with the same identifying property value.
  • The window manager can be configured to replace an existing window with the same identifying property value.
  • The Owner_Closing event handler is virtual, so you can override it when necessary.
  • Automatically handles the Owner_Closing event, so that when the owner window closes, all modeless windows created by the window will also automatically be closed.
  • If the window's Owner property isn't specifically set, the MainWindow is used as the Owner.
  • The following capabilities are implemented in the ModelessWindowMgr class: This is beneficial to people with diminished attention spans that don't want to know how the code works, but want the code anyway, and without having to suffer the burden and drudgery of technical knowledge. The article presents information in the following order: introduction, usage, and code description. This requirement made it impossible to simply show modeless windows, and forced me to come up with a modeless window manager, and this is the subject of this article.

    windowmanager partial focus

    While modeless windows really aren't new or exciting, I had the added consideration of not allowing the user to select the same user twice and have two different windows (the data is static, so there's no point in having two windows showing the same data. These modeless windows present training data for individuals, test metrics for individuals, and available course data. At work, I recently had to develop a tool that creates several modeless windows.

    Windowmanager partial focus